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Konversion – Wirtschaftsdemokratie für den sozialökologischen Umbau
Future Perspectives on Transcultural Leadership
Narrative der sozial-ökologischen Transformation der Wirtschaft am Beispiel der Ernährungswirtschaft
The Political Economy of Italy and the Centre-Periphery Perspective on Europe
Prozessontologische Transformationsethik
Sustainable Development Goals – Perspectives from Vietnam
Consumer Social Responsibility im digitalen Raum
European Perspectives on the New Silk Roads – A Transcultural Approach
European Relational Societies – Best Practice for Civil Society Cooperation
Geschichten des Gelingens
Relational Leadership – Case Studies from Brazil
Brazilian Perspectives on Transcultural Leadership
Hybridity and Transculturality
Transculturality and Community
Transcultural Leadership and Transcultural Competence
Abstracts. Series rights of nature / biocracy. Volume 1-20
Sub-Saharan Perspectives on Transcultural Leadership
Transculturality – Leadership, Management and Governance
Abstracts zu den 20 Bänden der Reihe Betriebswirtschaftliche Schriften über Rechte der Natur / Biokratie