Madu Verma, Ramesh Kumar Jalan, Swapan Mehra, Priyanka Batra, Chandan Khanna, Geetanjali Shahi: Seeking Co Benefits of Carbon Sequestration: Integrating Ecotourism and REDD Plus Mechanisms in Protected Area Management
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Seeking Co Benefits of Carbon Sequestration: Integrating Ecotourism and REDD Plus Mechanisms in Protected Area Management
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Seeking Co Benefits of Carbon Sequestration: Integrating Ecotourism and REDD Plus Mechanisms in Protected Area Management
Madu Verma, Ramesh Kumar Jalan, Swapan Mehra, Priyanka Batra, Chandan Khanna, Geetanjali Shahi
Seeking Co Benefits of Carbon Sequestration: Integrating Ecotourism and REDD Plus Mechanisms in Protected Area Management

25 pp.
6.20 EUR
(March 2014)


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