David Mugambe Mpiima, Consolata Kabonesa, Henry Manyire, Margareta Espling: The New Normal? Farmer Groups, ICTs, and Empowerment in Apac District, Lango Region in Northern Uganda
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The New Normal? Farmer Groups, ICTs, and Empowerment in Apac District, Lango Region in Northern Uganda
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The New Normal? Farmer Groups, ICTs, and Empowerment in Apac District, Lango Region in Northern Uganda
David Mugambe Mpiima, Consolata Kabonesa, Henry Manyire, Margareta Espling
The New Normal? Farmer Groups, ICTs, and Empowerment in Apac District, Lango Region in Northern Uganda

27 pp.
5.28 EUR
(January 2020)


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